Homemade TMNT Dice Bags

Recently I backed the IDWGames Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past board game on Kickstarter.  Supposedly, I will be receiving this investment within the next month or so, and I’m greatly looking forward to painting these miniatures.  The game itself looks well designed and appears to incorporate the Turtles’ focus on cooperative brotherhood very well with a unique dice-sharing mechanic.  Can’t wait!

In the meantime, since the Kickstarter did not include a dice bag, and since it included 40 dice, I decided to make some custom embroidered dice bags in which to store all that rolling madness.  With the help of a kindly mother, here is the final product:



The material is a nice soft suede.  The colors don’t look quite right in the photos, but they look great in real life.  Total price was less than $10!  Now I just need the game…